Vacuum Blackhead Removal JB-8620

 2,500.00  2,100.00

  • Easy to use
  • Promotes blood circulation while removing dead skin cells and dirt inside pores
  • Revitalizes the skin more tight, smooth, and compact
  • Removes debris, imperfections, wrinkles, and pigmentation on the skin, make your skin soft and glowing
  • Strong absorption of dirt and blackheads, but will not lead to large pores
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The Vacuum Blackhead Removal JB-8620 is likely a device designed for removing blackheads and cleansing the skin through vacuum-blackhead-removal suction. These devices typically utilize suction power to extract impurities. It including blackheads, whiteheads, and excess oil, from the pores without causing damage to the skin.

Here’s a general overview of how such a device might work:
  1. Preparation: Before using the device, it’s essential to cleanse your face thoroughly to remove any makeup, dirt, or oil.
  2. Power on the Device: Turn on the JB-8620 device and select the appropriate suction level based on your skin type and the intensity of blackheads.
  3. Steam or Warm Compress (optional): Some people prefer to steam their face or apply a warm compress to open up their pores before using the blackhead removal device. This step can make the extraction process more effective.
  4. Application: Gently move the vacuum suction head across your skin, focusing on areas with blackheads or enlarged pores. Avoid keeping the suction head in one spot for too long to prevent bruising or redness.
  5. Extraction: As the device creates suction, it draws out impurities, including blackheads, from the pores. You may notice the appearance of extracted debris in the nozzle of the device.
  6. Post-Treatment: After using the device, rinse your face with cool water to close the pores. Follow up with a gentle toner to rebalance the skin’s pH and a moisturizer to hydrate the skin.
  7. Clean the Device: It’s crucial to clean the suction head and other removable parts of the device thoroughly after each use to prevent the buildup of bacteria and ensure hygienic operation.


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